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Dev & UX Accessibility Specialist at Atos | Google Developer Expert for Web Technologies | CPACC IAAP | Founder Accessibility First | Speaker | DE | EN | JP

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/YuriDevAT

GitHub Sponsors Profile

As a self-taught frontend developer, who switched careers in her 30s, I am passionate about helping others get into tech as well. I really believe, that everyone can make it, including YOU. No matter your background, age or location, the only thing I need you to do is, to start and don't give up. 💪🏽
I do this by creating content on Twitter, DevTO, Hashnode and YouTube as well as holding talks on different platforms (such as CodeSmith and MonthlyDev).
Many self-taught developers struggle with how to gain hands-on experience collaborating in a team to show in their CV or how to get into tech at all. Open Source plays a key role, as it fosters a sense of collaboration, communication and career development. That's why I founded YurisCodingClub where people regardless of field of interest or experience can join, learn from each other and grow by sharing knowledge. Join the community on YurisCodingClub and collaborate with like-minded people to improve your skills and land your first job in tech https://www.yuriscodingclub.com/
Find my technical content https://github.com/YuriDevAT

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