An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.
An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.
Engineering. Philosophy. Golang.
Funding Links:
Computationalist at heart! ❤️
Read more about me, my interests, talks and my work in detail at:
Love building developer tools in Golang, APIs, playing with network architectures, thinking about how to make machines dream, and how to model human perception and consciousness.
I generally work on the back-end side of the stack but have also maintained full stacks occasionally. Especially for my personal projects.
I also document my mental models on software engineering, artificial general intelligence, philosophy and culture in this regular newsletter. If you want to sponsor me for less than $5, then just subscribe to the blog. It's cheaper!
Why sponsorships?
To cover server costs. They are HUGE. Bloody Bezos!
Sponsorware - I might offer you exclusive access to my software for a monthly paid subscription.
Free access to complete pay-walled content on my blog.
You can request pair-programming sessions w/ me. Or any other plausible mentorship or consultation.
Working a regular 40Hr job leaves almost no time to build and maintain valuable open-source projects. I need financial comfort to do this full-time and sustain my regular financial needs.
Large projects require a team of high-quality developers, so their sustenance amount has to be fulfilled.
🔴 You can read more about my open-source work in detail over here.
More than anything, I will genuinely consider each and every sponsorship from your end, regardless of how small or large, as an honest token of appreciation and empowerment! Thank you! ❤️
And if you are in Delhi, do hit me up and let's sit down for a beer! 🍺
Nhost CLI
Language: Go - Stars: 80Importable Go library to expose your locally running service to public internet.
Language: Go - Stars: 4