
An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.


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Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/Eun

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello fellow githubers!
I am Tobias 'Eun' Salzmann and I like to create open software. I like the fact that everybody is able to read and modify the source code to their needs and maybe add a feature here and there, or at least provide some kind of feedback.
I always try to create meaningfull software, that exists to be used. However its hard to have a normal 40h job and working on open source at the same time, thats also the reason why I had to give up projects in the past 😢.
I would like to use the sponsorship to step back from my main work and focus more on open source software to implement new features and maintaining the active projects.
Some personal details about me:

born outside of Berlin and raised in the city
working in a great team @ Talon.One
having a wonderful daughter that always makes me happy no matter how bad the day was
"Pizza is love, pizza is life"

Featured Works


http integration test framework

Language: Go - Stars: 256
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Sponsor Breakdown