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Microsoft MVP | Senior BI Analyst @ Des Moines Univ. Opinions mine. #Humanist #Musician #SoundDesigner #Science #Technology #Philosophy #History #BLM

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/JamesDBartlett3

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, my name is James D. Bartlett III (@JamesDBartlett3 on GitHub, Mastodon, and LinkedIn), and I'm a Senior Business Intelligence Analyst at Des Moines University in Iowa, USA.
I spend the majority of my free time:

Contributing to various open-source projects using and/or relating to:

Power BI
SQL Server
Power Apps
Power Automate
Home Automation
Raspberry Pi

Co-organizing the Iowa Power BI User Group on Meetup.com
Giving presentations at meetups, user groups, conferences, and livestreams
Blogging at DataVolume.xyz and PowerBI.tips
Volunteering with Tech Journey (a local nonprofit whose mission is "to inspire youth to increase their knowledge and interest in technology by providing engaging learning opportunities led by technology professionals")
Mentoring students and beginner data professionals on CodeMentor.com

With your sponsorship, I can dedicate more of my free time to community/open-source projects for which I am otherwise not compensated, but which have proven extremely useful to many people in the data community, such as:

PowerBI.tips Business Ops (a single app that installs and manages dozens of community-developed External Tools for Power BI Desktop)
Power BI Version Control (a user-friendly, no-code version control app for Power BI report authors, based on Power Apps and SharePoint)
PowerBits (scripts, templates, external tools, and other handy stuff for working with Power BI)
DevBoxSetup (scripts and configuration files for streamlining the setup process on Windows and Linux development workstations)
PoshBits (useful and time-saving PowerShell scripts for various routine tasks)

Featured Works


A collection of useful, time-saving tools for working with Microsoft Power BI

Language: PowerShell - Stars: 49

Source code for the Data Volume website

Language: Liquid - Stars:

Miscellaneous PowerShell scripts, functions, etc.

Language: PowerShell - Stars: 4

Language: PowerShell - Stars: 6

Language: Shell - Stars:

Language: PowerShell - Stars: 2
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