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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, I'm Fernando, a fullstack software engineer based in San José, Costa Rica 🇨🇷
I would love to spend more time working on Open Source. Any sponsorship would help me dedicate time to my UDL Server project and host it for public use (free-tier with sensible rate limits) for anyone to integrate with.
Do you have a mobile app that would benefit from deep linking and would rather (1) not use a paid service, and (2) not use a mainstream "free" service (eventually paid with data harvesting)?
Check out the repository or reach out directly. I'll be happy to walk you through how mobile deep linking works, how easy it would be to setup a self hosted version of the UDL Server, and how your project would benefit from it.
Sponsorships also support my contributions to other projects, usually dependencies of my own projects but also other popular repositories in my toolset.
Thank you for reading and/or supporting!

Featured Works


This is a server that bounces traffic to better leverage Deep Linking in mobile apps.

Language: Crystal - Stars: 10

🔮 A Crystal HTTP handler for throttling, blocking and tracking malicious requests.

Language: Crystal - Stars: 59

OpenTelemetry SDK and exporters for the Crystal language

Language: Crystal - Stars: 14

A BattleSnake template written in Crystal

Language: Crystal - Stars: 4
Past Sponsorships
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Sponsorship Breakdown by Kind