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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, I'm Daniel Haven.
I maintain ynab-sdk-laravel and repeating-export-for-ynab (or Repeating Export (for YNAB)), which uses the former.
My goal is to expand YNAB's functionality.
If you use any of the aforementioned tools or want to fund future projects centered around YNAB, here are some costs I'm currently paying out of pocket.
Digging Into the Financials

$20 per year for domain:
$7.69 per month for hosting on Digital Ocean
$19.00 per month for Laravel Forge

This equates to about $28.36 per month
Even 1% (about 28 cents) of these monthly costs being covered would be highly appreciated and motivate me to stick to maintaining my code.

Featured Works


An SDK for working with YNAB's API in Laravel.

Language: PHP - Stars:
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