An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.


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GitHub Sponsors Profile

A handful of people had significant influence and gifted a domino effect on my life, compounding by each of you - likely unintentionally.
I've been sponsoring a few developers on GitHub for some time now, and something just clicked...
Why not use the platform myself?

[x] GitHub is very transparent (open source is their thing!)
[x] The 3% fee is super reasonable, all considered
[x] Everything is taken care of around payments
[x] GitHub requires me to send updates to sponsors
^ That last one is critical. I wish I understood the value of updates during my MailLift years.

This is bootstrap-kosher, right?
Taking a sponsorship approach with "friends and family" feels natural, as yours truly is a bootstrapper.
My cost of living is the lowest it's been since my college years, thanks to generous nonprofit grants, lifestyle changes, improved health, and moving back to Texas. What better time than now to start my next entrepreneurial story.
It's time again for me to do what I am best at...

giving marketers a "why didn't I think of this" solution to pain
design a solution with naturally trackable ROI
build behind-the-scenes magic (IP) for a seamless experience

You are invited into "Brian's World" of closed and open-source software entrepreneurship.

If you've read this far, look at the small double-digit sponsorship request to the right →
If I don't have new customers each month, please remind me how important feedback is from paying customers by canceling your sponsorship. Really! It's a single button through GitHub.
I am stoked to share the ups, downs, thought processes, and choices with you - my friends and family!

Active Sponsorships
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Sponsorship Breakdown by Kind