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Building Open-Source Machine Learning Tools in Rust.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

BlackPortal is an open-source project focused on building high-performance, scalable machine learning tools using Rust. Our core offerings include Delta, a fast and extensible framework for building neural networks, and Nebula, a package manager for managing datasets and models.
By sponsoring BlackPortal, you’re enabling us to dedicate more time and resources to further developing Delta and Nebula, expanding their capabilities to support distributed training, improved dataset management, and seamless integration with a variety of machine learning projects. Your support drives the future of these tools, ensuring that machine learning engineers and researchers have access to the most efficient, flexible, and scalable solutions available.
Thank you for joining BlackPortal on its journey and contributing to the advancement of machine learning in Rust.

Featured Works


An Open-Source Machine Learning Framework in Rust Δ

Language: Rust - Stars: 376

A Package Manager for Machine Learning Datasets and Models.

Language: Rust - Stars: 73

Decentralized GPU for Machine Learning Workloads.

Language: Rust - Stars: 4
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