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video director・visual artist・coder

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/baku89

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I'm Baku, a professional video director and self-taught programmer.
I've been developing Glisp, a completely new tool to bridge the worlds of creative coding and graphic design. To keep this project open-source, it would be so helpful if you support me in ways you can -- not only Github Sponsors or committing to my project but also cheering the project on Twitter or fixing a typo in the documentation. Here's a kind of boring introduction of myself and my motivation to develop Glisp:
As having backgrounds in both animation and creative coding, I've explored the possibilities of how we can integrate both attitudes of detailed works realized by frame-by-frame editing and parametric design and developed lots of software to realize new ways of making video/graphics.
For instances,

EYE: Hyperlapse with combining Street View and pixilation technique
The Perfect Insider: Making an ending sequence for anime with cellular automata using Processing.
Fly: An integration of stop-motion and position tracking system by VR devices.

While I had tried hacking existing tools to make new ways to make, my interest has gradually moved on, like, "how can I improve the efficiency to make new ways to make?" This is why I began prototyping Glisp. It's a toolkit to build an ideal tool for each artist and each style of their work. By taking the bootstrapping power of Lisp, it has high flexibility and hackability than any other graphic software. (I hope it'll be so, though it's still an early stage of working in progress...) Please check the repo for further concepts!
I've also been developing some useful tools for computational artists, as shown below:

ISF4AE: After Effects plugin to use GLSL shaders as effects
BKISF: My shader library written in Interactive Shader Format
NOPs: Houdini Assets for destructive editing that throw away the advantage of Houdini.

その名の通り、ミュージック・ビデオを中心にモーショングラフィックスやコマ撮り、Web作品、グラフィック作品などいろいろと作ってきました。一方で、ビジュアル文化や音楽と同じくらいプログラミングやハッカー文化の思想にも親しんできたために、多くの作品を作るにあたって制作手法から開発し、その為のツールやメイキングをオープンソース・ライセンス下で公開することを自分のスタイルとしています。group_inou - EYEやimai - Fly ft. 79, 中村佳穂、『すべてがFになる』ED映像といった具体的な作品のためのツールはもちろんのこと、この数年は、表現のためのより汎用性の高いアプリやプラグイン開発に興味が移ろいつつあります。

Glisp: Lisp言語をその基盤とした、コードとビジュアルの相互編集が可能なベクタードローイング環境
Koma: ブラウザで動作するコマ撮りツール
ISF4AE: テキストベースのGPUエフェクト記述形式Interactive Shader FormatのAfter Effects向けプラグイン
NOPs: プロシージャル性を特長とするHoudiniにマニュアル編集機能を追加するアセット集


Linearly: イミュータブルな線形代数ライブラリ
Bndr.js: マウスやキーボード、MIDIやゲームパッドといったユーザー入力を合成したりフィルターを適用するためのライブラリ
Tethr: USB接続された一眼やミラーレスをWeb USBを用いてブラウザからテザー制御する
Pave: ベジェや円弧といったベクター図形の生成や変形などをするライブラリ


Featured Works


After Effects Plug-in enabling to use GLSL written in ISF as an effect

Language: C++ - Stars: 237

Digital Assets to supplement non-procedural features of Houdini

Language: Python - Stars: 89

Glisp is a Lisp-based design tool that combines generative approaches with traditional design methods, empowering artists to discover new forms of expression.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 1121

JavaScript/TypeScript library built on top of WebUSB for controlling digital cameras from browsers.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 107

A collection of utility functions that relates to linear algebra and graphics programming.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 12

Language: Vue - Stars: 36


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