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dev for @spacestation13

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I work on Goonstation, one of the main variants of Space Station 13, a indie community-developed role-playing video game sandbox.
I spend most of my time:

Helping manage our backend services
Helping people out by writing guides and providing advice in #imcoder
Working on actual features/bugs/sprites

Featured Works


Repository for the Goonstation branch of SS13

Language: DM - Stars: 377

Rust based libraries for tgstation

Language: Rust - Stars: 29

Dream Maker guide, in the style of Rust by Example

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 10

A project for running games made in the DM programming language

Language: C# - Stars: 225

A GitHub bot to label issues and PRs automatically based on keywords in the title and body.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 4

A graph of the family tree of SS13

Language: - Stars: 32
Past Sponsorships
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Sponsorship Breakdown by Kind