An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.


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Hi there, I'm Christian 🐱‍🚀
I'm a self taught web developer (not a real one). I like to build and break things.
Just C😷vid: --> A static Covid-19 Dashboard to test dynamically generated SEO-Thumbnails.
Statically generates all Germany cites.
Create individual SEO-Thumbnails for every city on a daylie basis.
PWA enabled.
Teini --> A simple backendless webshop using Stripe as Payment Gateway.
Backendless. Product data is stored is a file-datebase using Prisma.js as ORM.
Uses Stripe as payment gateway and printful as fullfillment solution.
Based on Next.js and Vercel.

Featured Works


👶 Teini (tiny, [ˈtīnē]) is an extremely small webshop leveraging awesome and free solutions like Github and Vercel.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 148

For all, who want less 📈 and more 🐱‍👤 to describe the current COVID-19 situation. Stay safe. 💌

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 12

🛀🏼 I'm Christian. This is my blog.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 1