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R, python, containers, linux, R&D Pharma, Data analysis, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Bioinformatics, Data engineering

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I write or maintain several python 🐍 packages:

parmap, making parallelization easier
aves for acquiring and plotting sensor data in real time

And several R packages

AlpsNMR for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance data analysis
MassSpecWavelet for peak detection in Mass Spectrometry and metabolomics.
condformat Showing tables with conditional formatting options

I also worked and maintain accessibility Catalan speech synthesis packages. I'm from Barcelona.
I'm working on the analysis of biomedical data (🧑‍🔬🏥💾) while I support open source packages.
Your support encourages me to devote more time to maintenance, support and documentation. My family comes first ❤️

Featured Works


Easy to use map and starmap python equivalents

Language: Python - Stars: 142

Automated spectraL Processing System for NMR

Language: R - Stars: 15

MassSpecWavelet Bioconductor package

Language: R - Stars: 9

R package to apply conditional formatting rules to a data.frame

Language: R - Stars: 25