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Staff Developer Advocate at, open-source hacker and technical writer. I love Next.js, Go, automation, CLIs, building tools and sharing knowledge.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, I'm Zack! 👋 I'm a senior software engineer and open source hacker. I experiment with developer productivity tools and compose open source projects like tmux, Neovim, Golang CLIs, ZSH, shell scripts and Awesome Window Manager into a custom workflow that is crazy powerful and fun to use.
I share everything that I learn with the greater developer community via deep-dive tutorials, demo videos, streaming myself developing open source projects and longform blog posts covering everything from using a Yubikey to replace your sudo password (so you can screenshare more securely) to Golang patterns for the popular Bubbletea TUI project, to career advice I learned the hard-way after 12 years about how to get promoted, to DevOps and Terraform tips, AWS speed-running hacks, custom CI/CD pipelines, Next.js projects, and much more.
As a sponsor, you will be directly contributing to the creation of valuable resources that can help improve the productivity and satisfaction of developers all over the world. Additionally, your sponsorship will enable me to invest more time and energy in the pursuit of my passion, which in turn, will enable me to create more high-quality content for everyone.
My passion for developer productivity, open source, automation and custom workflows is evident in the work that I do. I am dedicated to creating high-quality content that benefits the developer community, and I believe that sponsorship can help me take this work to the next level. Thank you so much for considering me and my work! 🙇

Featured Works


A tool for cleaning up your cloud accounts by nuking (deleting) all resources within it

Language: Go - Stars: 2899

git-xargs is a command-line tool (CLI) for making updates across multiple Github repositories with a single command.

Language: Go - Stars: 983

A ridiculously over-engineered pranking service written in Golang and deployed via Kubernetes and Google Cloud

Language: Go - Stars: 34

Simple POC for bubbletea CLI / TUI that leverages sequential "stages" of work

Language: Go - Stars: 47

A simple configurable proxy that blocks distracting hosts

Language: Go - Stars: 12

A complete HTML5 game using the Phaser framework. Playable, buildable, and published as a tutorial for other game developers.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 134