Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/ymonymon
- Name: ymonymon
- Kind: user
- Followers: 1
- Following: 2
- Total stars: 3
- Repositories count: 1
- Created at: 2022-11-16T21:59:25.551Z
- Updated at: 2024-05-01T10:23:35.695Z
- Last synced at: 2024-05-01T10:23:35.005Z
GitHub Sponsors Profile
[x] Who are you, and where are you from?
I'm ymonymon. rythm/music gamer (pop'n music). Born in Japan.
私はわいもんです。音ゲーマー(pop'n music)です。日本生まれです。
[x] What are you working on?
We develop and maintain pop'n score tool 2.
pop'n score tool 2の開発と維持をしています。
[x] Why is their sponsorship important? How will you use the funds?
Share server costs.
- Current Sponsors: 0
- Past Sponsors: 0
- Total Sponsors: 0
- Minimum Sponsorship: $5.00
Featured Works
pop'n score tool 2
Language: JavaScript - Stars: 3