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Full-stack developer with a security first mindset. Working on Next.js at @vercel. Previously @voxmedia, @coralproject.

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/wyattjoh

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I've been working in open-source since 2016 when I joined the @coralproject via @ardanlabs to work on Coral. I've followed the project as it's moved to work directly with the @mozillafoundation, and then over to @voxmedia.
My mission is to create software that empowered developers to make good and secure choices easily. That's why I continue to release projects on the side to further that goal.
If you use any tools that I develop under my personal account, a monthly contribution would mean a lot! I'd like to continue working on these projects on the side, and am happy to do so if there's interest!

Featured Works


image manipulation service, written in Go

Language: Go - Stars: 22

A Cloudflare Dynamic DNS updater, written in Go.

Language: Go - Stars: 23
Active Sponsors
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