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Primarily a senior native iOS & native Android developer, but loves to dabble in web development and robotics/embedded-systems in my spare time.

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/will-lumley

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I work on Favicon Finder and Rich Editor and other various open source iOS frameworks.
Sponsoring me will allow me to spend more time creating new open source projects, and help me work on and improve existing open source projects.

Featured Works


A small swift library for iOS & macOS to detect favicons used by a website.

Language: Swift - Stars: 174

The macOS RichEditor library allows you to turn a native NSTextView into a full blown WYSIWYG editor.

Language: Swift - Stars: 24

A tiny pure swift replacement for NSColorWell.

Language: Swift - Stars: 11
Past Sponsorships
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