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AIOps and Distributed System

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Wh1isper 👋


About me

👨‍🔧I'm a Python and AIOps engineer. Expertise in developing scientific computing software and collaborating with researchers on AI applications.
🤖Right now, I'm working as a backend architect and infrastructure architect at an AIGC startup.
💼Used to work for a top Chinese cybersecurity company on big data and data security with hitz-ids.
🎓Graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology.
🌈Contribute to Jupyter Project in free time.
🔈 Blog(in Chinese):

Some Open Source Contributions
Individual projects:

brq: Python job queue built with asyncio and redis stream. Support defer job and dead queue.
sparglim: Makes PySpark App Configurable and Deploy Spark Connect Server Easier!

hitsz-ids projects:

duetector: A detector based on eBPF technology for metering data usage behaviour.
synthetic-data-generator: Focused on quickly generating high-quality structured tabular data.

Contributed projects:

jupyter_server: The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.
jupyter_server_terminals: A Jupyter Server Extension Providing Support for Terminals.
jupyverse: A Jupyter server based on FastAPI 🚀.
jupyterhub/oauthenticator: OAuth + JupyterHub Authenticator = OAuthenticator.
terminado: Terminals served by tornado websockets.

Featured Works


Sparglim✨ makes PySpark App Configurable and Deploy Spark Connect Server Easier!

Language: Python - Stars: 36

The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.

Language: Python - Stars: 511

SDG is a specialized framework designed to generate high-quality structured tabular data.

Language: Python - Stars: 2327