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Digital Consultant & Content Creator who aims to help bring 1 million people into the IT / Digital / Web industry and help them have better careers.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

My name is Viorel, I'm a Digital Consultant. I started out about 20 years ago and learned Front End Development, User Experience & Interface Design, Back End Development, Digital Marketing, SEO, SEM, and a few other things along the way.
Right now, I'm attempting to help people get started with a career in the IT / Digital / Web industries by creating video workshops, tutorials, webinars, and open source boilerplate code anyone can use to kickstart their own projects.
You can find me on my Romanian YouTube channel and (soon) on my English one as well.

Featured Works


Un proiect de Link In Bio făcut live pe YouTube, aici:

Language: HTML - Stars: 14

Un proiect în care construim un layout complex în HTML și CSS. Proiect pornit de aici:

Language: HTML - Stars: 4
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