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Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/vazco

GitHub Sponsors Profile

We create open source solutions, because we believe in contributing to the development community. At the same time, we use these solutions in the applications we develop for our clients.
uniforms are our flagship open-source contribution. It’s a set of open-source libraries capable of instantly generating any given form. It supports all schemas and themes, allows instant prototyping, and simplifies the separation of concerns.
Contributing to open source drives us forward. Innovation comes in all shapes and sizes. Developing open source libraries is an example of an innovation that helps thousands of people around the world. It also allows us to dive deeper into the technologies we work with and become more engaged and improve our skills.

Featured Works


A React library for building forms from any schema.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 1973

Internationalization package for Meteor with React integration.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 123
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