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Hello, I'm Lonny. I make trzsz ( trz / tsz ).
trzsz ( trz / tsz ) is a simple file transfer tools, similar to lrzsz ( rz / sz ), and compatible with tmux.

❤️ Sponsor trzsz ❤️, buy the author a drink 🍺 ? Thank you for your support!

Featured Works


trzsz is a simple file transfer tools, similar to lrzsz ( rz / sz ), and compatible with tmux.

Language: Python - Stars: 1265

trzsz.js is the js version of trzsz, makes terminal built with electron and webshell to support trzsz ( trz / tsz ).

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 192

Tabby plugin supports trzsz ( trz / tsz ), which similar to rz / sz, and compatible with tmux.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 22

trzsz-go is the go version of trzsz, makes all terminals that support local shell to support trzsz ( trz / tsz ).

Language: Go - Stars: 924
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