An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.


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Funding Links:

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I work full time job, 13-15 hours a day and in my spare-time that's left I try to to maintain TRaSH Guides.
Give support in several discord channels and sometimes even personal support if needed, to everything related to TRaSH Guides.
Any money received via sponsorships will go towards the necessary Coffee addiction needed to:

Finish Guides
Create new Guides
Maintain the Guides
Update the Guides

Want to Buy me a coffee
Use one of the following option to Sponsor me

GitHub sponsorship choose one of the tier on the right.

NOTE: Sponsorship starting from $5 and up will get you Sponsor role on discord.

Paypal In $ (Dollars): QR-Code

NOTE: Paypal subscriptions starting from $5 and up will get you Sponsor role on discord.
(please contact me with your Transaction-ID)

Paypal In € (Euro's): QR-Code

NOTE: Paypal subscriptions starting from €5 and up will get you Sponsor role on discord.
(please contact me with your Transaction-ID)


Crypto: BTC QR-Code
BTC: 38UQPeXzaG5RUfadMCjGt9zERpgKjgWRUn

Crypto: ETH QR-Code
ETH: 0x972b020df39f6c8a7564c7758adc20b2c5cf4e72

Crypto: XMR QR-Code

Other Options:
Use my VPN Referral link to get 50% off with TorGuard

Active Sponsors
Past Sponsors
Sponsor Breakdown