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Vim plugin artist

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I'm tpope. I make Vim plugins. Lots of Vim plugins. Here are some of my more popular ones.

fugitive.vim: The Vim plugin for Git. The Git plugin for Vim.
dispatch.vim: Asynchronous :make replacement and shell command runner.
surround.vim: Add/remove/change parentheses, brackets, quotation markes, HTML tags.
pathogen.vim: The pioneer in the now happily crowed field of Vim package managers.
eunuch.vim: Simple wrappers for UNIX utilities, ranging from mv to sudo.
unimpaired.vim: A grab bag of "pairs" of mappings. Next/previous, up/down, on/off, escape/unescape.
sensible.vim: Defaults "everyone" can agree on. The precursor to defaults.vim which is now included in Vim.
obsession.vim: Automatic creation and updating of Vim session files.
rails.vim: Ruby on Rails support. There's also bundler.vim for Bundler support.
fireplace.vim: Clojure support built on nREPL.
scriptease.vim: The Vim plugin for making Vim plugins.

I also maintain a lot of "runtime files", files included with Vim that provide basic language support. Here is just a handful.

vim-markdown: Syntax highlighting for a markup language that defies syntax highlighting.
vim-git: Five different file types, ranging from commit messages to .gitconfig.
vim-ruby: I comaintain this beast.
vim-haml: Also covers Sass.

All in all, I maintain 50 or so Vim related repositories.
My Vim work is my passion. Your sponsorship enables me to spend more time pursuing my passion and less time pursuing keeping a roof over my head.
I plan to give increased priority to issues created/upvoted by sponsors, with greater weight given to higher tiers. This will be ad hoc at first (paying attention to names) but hopefully backed by tooling in the future.

Featured Works


fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal

Language: Vim Script - Stars: 20511

pathogen.vim: manage your runtimepath

Language: Vim Script - Stars: 12137

surround.vim: Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease

Language: Vim Script - Stars: 13684

sensible.vim: Defaults everyone can agree on

Language: Vim Script - Stars: 5207

rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools

Language: Vim Script - Stars: 4122

commentary.vim: comment stuff out

Language: Vim Script - Stars: 6001
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