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Software developer. 13+ years experience. Win/Linux. Lua lover. C# fanatic. Open to work!

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Your sponsorship is important to me because I can focus on producing the free software I do. When I am presented with a problem, whether it be half completed jobs or niche ideas, I am always excited to produce something and share it out.
Some facts about me:

From the united states
Works on free software like LuaConsole or other's misc repositories
Always happy to help in translation proof reading for German/Chinese
I don't own a degree. Free Software and sponsorships are the closest thing I have to working as a programmer

Attached in my featured work is all but a few of my repositories. They in no way highlight 100% of my work.
Please take a look at my github website here!

Featured Works


A next-gen, Cross-Platform [Lua-5.1.x, LuaJIT-2.0, Lua-5.2.x, Lua-5.3.x, Lua-5.4.x]-supporting CLI made to supersede PUC-Lua and LuaJIT CLI

Language: C - Stars: 65

A simple One Time Password (OTP) library in lua

Language: Lua - Stars: 20

WoW Classic Addon | Shows iLvl (with colors) | Weapon/Armor Differences(shift hover) | Vendor Prices (unit/stack) | Highlights All Grey Named Items with LCTRL | Provides an Item Database for Search…

Language: Lua - Stars: 4

A single-source program which pretty-prints a gameboy/gameboy color header

Language: C - Stars: 2

This repo contains pretty printed rom header info of all GB games for all languages

Language: - Stars: 2

Just some random projects for the PSP used in

Language: C - Stars: 1