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probably blowing up a circuit

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi there! My name is Lauren. I'm a student and I'm studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I've worked with NASA and Intel as an intern, and I aim to contribute further to open-source code. Here's a summary of some of my work:

Image processing of wildfire posted by NASA EO, LA Times, and
Participated in multiple outreach events and programs with NASA
Our team created an anatomy-based VR app and won the world's largest hackathon for women

Some of my other major projects include:

Designed and created a DIY, Arduino-based spectrometer
Created and taught "Introduction to Arduino" class
Created and taught "Introduction to SSD Logs" Class
Parking Garage Sensor with OpenCV (Senior Design Project)
Log analysis and report automation

Your sponsorship is important to me because it will allow me to spend more time working on the projects that I love. Open-source work is extremely important to me, as we are all standing on the shoulders of giants. Being able to contribute to tools that help others is therefore my ultimate end-goal.