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American by birth ... Texan by the Grace of [Insert your Higher Power here]. I think I nailed the bio. Veteran too

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I grew up a dirt poor dairy farmers son and needless to say, since the school district I went to could not afford even one computer for the hundreds of students there, so I did not get one as a kid. After graduating High School I joined the Military and got exposed to my very first computer and just took off running with it as everything came so easy to me on them. I am 100% self taught. I have been working on the hardware side of the business for 30 years now. I Started off as a Desktop IT Guy and made my way up the ranks until I got into the networking and server side. I have been designing and implementing networks from the RJ-45 jack in the wall to the Servers, routers and pretty much every ounce of technology required involved with that for the last 15 years. I am a disabled Veteran and the older I get, the worse the pain gets. Some days I can barely walk and I am not 50 yet. I started off doing some small time scripting several years back and have been doing more and more of that in the more recent years. It is much easier for me to write code than crawling in attics pulling wire. That is one of the reasons I am trying to get sponsored so I can still make a living because it is not long from now I will not be able to do physical labor anymore.
I have been active on Github for several years now and while I work mostly on Roundcube related code which involves a lot of areas from the simple javascript to complicated encryption methods but I spend a decent amount of time working on Nextcloud code as well. I am ambitious so I plan on being a lot better in the next few years and broaden my horizons even more.
I donate quite a bit of my time testing software that I use on a regular basis during their dev periods to help out as best as I can.
I speak English obviously and help translate but I know enough Spanish to help translate that Language as well.
I look forward to our future endeavors. Until then ... ✌️

Featured Works


Modified Larry Skins to have more colors to choose from

Language: CSS - Stars: 11

Account Details plugin for Roundcube

Language: PHP - Stars: 10

A Simple, hopefully secure, PHP Contact Form mailer with Captcha and Formatting

Language: PHP - Stars: 1

Language: PHP - Stars: 9

Language: PHP - Stars: 2

Language: CSS - Stars: 16