A PHP software company
Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/TeknooSoftware
- Name: Teknoo Software
- Location: Caen, France
- Kind: organization
- Followers: 4
- Following: 0
- Total stars: 88
- Repositories count: 31
- Created at: 2022-11-07T23:20:47.083Z
- Updated at: 2025-03-12T15:51:17.666Z
- Last synced at: 2025-03-12T15:51:17.666Z
GitHub Sponsors Profile
Hi here.
I am Richard Déloge, a french developer, specialized in software engineering and software architecture. PHP is one of my favorite programming language.
I write some free/libre PHP libraries to help you make your projects :
States, to implement the State / Strategy.
Recipe, to create dynamics algorithms.
East Foundation to easily write an application following the "East programming" over the Symfony.
Symfony Bridge, a Symfony bundle to embed PHP-DI in your project.
East PaaS, a library to create your own PaaS platform like Platform.sh.
Composer Installer, to complete the installation of your own package.
A Sellsy client to connect your app or website to your Sellsy account.
To be able to work on this, I would appreciate your support.
https://teknoo.software / https://github.com/teknoosoftware
- Current Sponsors: 0
- Past Sponsors: 0
- Total Sponsors: 0
- Minimum Sponsorship: $2.00
Featured Works
Universal package, following the #East programming philosophy, build on Teknoo/East-Foundation (and Teknoo/Recipe) to implement a custom PaaS manager like platform.sh, compatible with Docker or any…
Language: PHP - Stars: 1TeknooSoftware/states
Library to create classes following the State pattern in PHP. This can be a cleaner way for an object to change its behavior at runtime without resorting to large monolithic conditional statements …
Language: PHP - Stars: 10TeknooSoftware/recipe
Inspired by cooking, allows the creation of dynamics workflows, called here recipe, following the #east programming and using middleware, configurable via DI or any configuration, if a set of condi…
Language: PHP - Stars: 3TeknooSoftware/bridge-phpdi-symfony
Userfriendly integration of PHP-DI with Symfony
Language: PHP - Stars: 2TeknooSoftware/sellsy-client
PHP library to connect your applications to your Sellsy account account using the Sellsy API and build your websites and your platforms on the Sellsy technology.
Language: PHP - Stars: 17TeknooSoftware/gd-text
PHP class making it easy to type text on pictures. Supports multi-lined text, horizontal and vertical alignment.
Language: PHP - Stars: 5