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Gamer, Nintendista, Microsoft MVP em Developer Technologies e apaixonado por Tecnologia.

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Hey guys!
I'm Thiago Bertuzzi and I'm a .net and mobile software architect / Head Of Technology at NESS.
My primary focus is to develop and design Xamarin applications and .net software with good practices and high availability for large customers in the Brazilian market.
I help the developer community by writing articles, producing videos, creating nuget packages and asking questions in discord communities about Xamarin and .net

Featured Works


Repositório com ✨ 149 Exemplos de Implementações e 📦 14 Pacotes de Xamarin📱

Language: - Stars: 79

🔍 Zoom in on the image with the pinch 👌 of your fingers or double tapping 👆

Language: C# - Stars: 76

🔧 Package with multiple field validations for Xamarin.Forms

Language: C# - Stars: 52

🔄 Package with multiple converters for Xamarin.Forms

Language: C# - Stars: 27

📦 Extensions for HttpClient and Custom Repository based on dapper

Language: C# - Stars: 28

⚙️EventAggregator provides multicast publish/subscribe functionality

Language: C# - Stars: 12