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MSc. in EE & IT from TUM, ML engineer, programming enthusiast and coffee addict.

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/SuperKogito

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I am quite new to this sponsorship idea so I am nervous and excited about this. About me; I work on various open source projects (urlstechie, pydiogment, spafe etc.) and I try to stay motivated while doing so. However, every now and then I loose sight of the purpose and I think these small but important and much appreciated contributions is a way to remind me that my work and effort are appreciated <3

Featured Works


πŸ”‰ πŸ‘¦ πŸ‘§Voice based gender recognition using Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC) and Gaussian mixture models (GMM)

Language: Python - Stars: 206

πŸ“£ Python library for audio augmentation

Language: Python - Stars: 83

πŸ”— GitHub action to extract and check urls in code and documentations.

Language: Shell - Stars: 34

πŸ”‰ spafe: Simplified Python Audio Features Extraction

Language: Python - Stars: 464

🐍 πŸ”— Python module and client for checking URLs

Language: Python - Stars: 20
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