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23 year old programmer from the UK. C, C++, C#, XAML, Python, JavaScript, Node.JS, SQL, HTML, CSS, Docker, SonarQube.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, I'm Steven! 👋
I'm from the UK and recently graduated from University with a First in Computer Science (Cyber Security).
I have learnt a fair few programming languages and have created a couple of different projects including a Localized Password Manager with advanced security features, and are working on a physical hardware device with embedded firmware that connects to a PC to enable Eye Tracking using computer vision!
I have joined the sponsorship program so that if you really like what i'm doing and want to support me financially, you can!
Thank you!!

Featured Works


QuestEyes-ESP is a firmware package for the QuestEyes System. It includes a Wifi setup procedure, Wifi capabilities, Over-The-Air update capability, and a websocket system to talk to QuestEyes-Server.

Language: C++ - Stars:

QuestEyes Server, recreated with Avalonia. Works in conjunction with QuestEyes hardware to track users gaze. It connects to the QuestEyes device and reads camera information, performs OTA, and calc…

Language: C# - Stars:

A secure, localized password manager with advanced security features.

Language: C# - Stars: 1

[DEPRECIATED, SEE V2] QuestEyes-Server is a software package for the QuestEyes System. It connects to the QuestEyes device and reads camera information, as well performs Over-The-Air updates on the…

Language: C# - Stars: