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Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/StephenBrown2

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Who am I?
Currently living in Colorado, US, I am just another guy on the internet, with experience in Python and an interest in Go. I'm a stickler for keeping things well organized and easy to read, while still appreciating difficult problems.
What do I work on?
Pretty much anything that suits my fancy. I don't have any projects I've started, and I'm currently employed full-time, but I often contribute to other projects that we use in order to better serve the community, either with bug fixes, feature requests, or just helping maintain the issue backlog and assisting other users.
What will the sponsorship do?
I'll use it as a small side stream of money for fun projects around the house, supporting dates with my wife, and so on.

Featured Works


A next generation HTTP client for Python. 🦋

Language: Python - Stars: 13420

A Python utility / library to sort imports.

Language: Python - Stars: 6540

Python packaging and dependency management made easy

Language: Python - Stars: 31942

convert JSON to Python dataclasses

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 4
Active Sponsors
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Sponsor Breakdown