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Student and passionate programmer always looking for a new challenge. Currently studying at John Abbott College, and enjoying problem solving.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello, my name is Jordan and I'm a graduating computer science student from John Abbott College in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Going from studying at home to working and living on my own is going to be a big change, and any help would be appreciated so I can continue to broaden my knowledge and experience in my studies and work.

Featured Works


My portfolio website.

Language: HTML - Stars:

A Dungeon Crawler game made in JavaScript.

Language: JavaScript - Stars:

A 'bulllet hell' game made in JavaScript.

Language: JavaScript - Stars:

A potential game I will be making as I play around with Godot.

Language: GDScript - Stars: 1

Solutions to various problems done on Project Euler.

Language: C# - Stars:

Solutions to various problems done on Kattis.

Language: Python - Stars: 1