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Hi, there
I’m a software engineer. I am passionate about software testing techniques and model checking. I'm building

luzer - a coverage-guided, native Lua fuzzer.
lua-c-api-tests - a set of fuzzing tests for C implementations of Lua runtime (PUC Rio Lua and LuaJIT). These tests already found about 15 bugs in Lua, LuaJIT and Tarantool (based on LuaJIT). These tests integrated with OSS Fuzz and ClusterFuzz and provide continuous testing of PUC Rio Lua and LuaJIT.
elle-cli - command-line frontend to transactional consistency checkers for black-box databases
unreliablefs - a FUSE-based fault injection filesystem.
molly - a framework for distributed system's verification, with fault injection.
semgrep-rules - semgrep rules for flakiness, missed error handling, Lua antipatterns and pitfalls.