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My name is Attila Schroeder and I live in Germany. My homepage:
I'm working on a real size solar system in three.js and much more. What do I mean exactly?
By that I mean that I can experience the whole earth, mars, the moon, ... in the original size with real landscape data in the browser. I want to be able to go anywhere on the planets and moons, to be able to move around freely. I want to be able to board and launch the spacex starship on earth at Cape Canaveral and Boca Chica. I want to simulate real starts and thus make them accessible to all space travel enthusiasts. I want to make the flight routes of the spacex starship to the moon and mars tangible.
But with really big planets, much more is possible! Imagine you would take a ship to the wreck of the titanic and then dive into the depths. At some point the titanic will appear in front of you and you can explore the wreck in depth. I find the thought exciting and spooky.
Be able to see real weather anywhere in the world. Create apps with which you can play the colonization of the moon and mars in the browser. Dive into the atmospheres of jupiter, saturn, neptune, uranus...
Ok those are all fantastic words but I wouldn't say them if I wasn't sure it was possible. I have already invested two years of development time and now have the earth, mars, the moon. For this I had to use pretty much every modern technique that javascript offers and had to use a lot of mathematics and physics. As luck would have it, I'm a physicist and I'm very good at both 😊
The reason why I am now dependent on crowdfunding is that there is still a lot of work waiting for me. Work that I really enjoy doing and work where I don't pay attention to the time. Unfortunately, the day only has 24 hours and everything I have done so far has been beside of my job.
Creating the earth, mars, and the moon in their original size using thousands of NASA maps was a self-test to see if I could live up to my own expectations and a feasibility study. I have confirmed both. What I lack now is no longer the necessary knowledge for implementation but time! I want to devote myself full-time to the goal of making our entire solar system fully exploreable everywhere and of course make everything available to everyone under the MIT license.
I keep reading questions about landscape creation in the three.js forum. I can understand that there hasn't been anything so far because of the enormous hurdles I had to overcome. I can extract a landscape generator for three.js directly from my software, because my software is a planet-wide landscape generator. In addition, I can provide all NASA maps directly converted into usable image datas.
A real landscape generator for three.js is something that obviously many users are waiting for.
With the large amounts of data, I also need my own server, since I have to configure it specifically, which is not possible on a shared server on which I am currently.
So I can already a lot and meanwhile I already have a lot, but in order to implement everything I have in my mind, I also need the time that I still have to spend on my job at the moment and that's why I need support

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