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Research and development engineer in web technologies.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi ! ✋
I am a web developer, I realize various projects in open source while trying to be useful and easy to use.
It is a pleasure before a job, but if I receive growing funds, it will be a real pleasure for me to develop ever more and to create ever more projects !
😃 👨‍💻

Featured Works


Une librairie php pour simplifier l'appel à l'API sirene de l'insée.

Language: PHP - Stars: 8

Web application to facilitate the management of game servers under Linux.

Language: PHP - Stars: 1

Simple bot that handles release generation on github projects.

Language: JavaScript - Stars:

Script shell pour simplifier l'installation de serveurs de jeux steam sous linux.

Language: Shell - Stars: 1

Configuration docker pour le lancement de projet php 8.1 avec mysql, redis et nginx, conçu principalement pour des projets symfony.

Language: Dockerfile - Stars:
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