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Software Developer 👨🏻‍💻

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hey, I'm a open-source developer located in Munich, focusing on the Python language/ecosystem. 🐍
I'm the primary maintainer of multiple Python libraries (all available on PyPI), which have seen more than 500k downloads so far.
I maintain the following projects -

streaming-form-data: streaming (and fast!) Python parser for multipart/form-data encoded data (the encoding used when submitting HTML forms over HTTP), written in Cython for high performance
flask-filealchemy: YAML-formatted plain-text file based models for Flask apps (handy when building static websites using Flask)
beancount-dkb: Beancount (double-entry accounting) importers for Deutsche Kredit Bank
beancount-ing: Beancount (double-entry accounting) importers for ING
beancount-n26: Beancount (double-entry accounting) importers for N26
awesome-beancount: Awesome-list for Beancount resources
tornado-sqlalchemy: SQLAlchemy integration for Tornado

In case you've found any of these projects useful, consider sponsoring so I can make them even better.
Your sponsorship helps me continue to work on these projects outside of evenings/weekends.
I would really like to add new features, bring in more contributors, fix more bugs, improve existing code, and in general spend more time working on these projects.

Featured Works


Streaming (and fast!) parser for multipart/form-data written in Cython

Language: Python - Stars: 172

SQLAlchemy support for Tornado

Language: Python - Stars: 123

YAML-formatted plain-text file based models for Flask backed by Flask-SQLAlchemy

Language: Python - Stars: 23

Beancount Importers for DKB (Deutsche Kredit Bank) CSV Exports

Language: Python - Stars: 39

Awesome Beancount Resources

Language: HTML - Stars: 288

Helping you exit Vim

Language: HTML - Stars: 28