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Discovery through experience.   Polkadot Address: 12hAtDZJGt4of3m2GqZcUCVAjZPALfvPwvtUTFZPQUbdX1Ud

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I work on Substrate, Parity Technologies' bleeding edge blockchain development framework.
I like to produce working mvps, docs, and other educational content to help people get started!

Featured Works


Known working releases of the Substrate Node Template, Substrate Module Template, and Substrate UI.

Language: Rust - Stars: 67

Create a graph of the ETH balance over time of an Ethereum address

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 51

This is an extension of the "Hello World" project for Ethereum and Web3.js which allows you to query the ERC-20 token balance of an Ethereum address.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 65

This is a set of really simple PowerShell scripts which allow you to get access tokens with with Azure Active Directory using ADAL.

Language: PowerShell - Stars: 28

Dynamic graph of Ethereum transactions using Web3.js subscribe

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 38
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