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I am Shailesh Kumar, an engineer based out of Noida, India. I have 20 years of experience in software development,
signal processing, and machine learning. I am pursuing my Ph.D. in sparse representations and compressive sensing at Bharti School of Telecommunication, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India.
I am currently working on CR-Sparse, a Python library that efficiently solves a wide variety of sparse representation-based signal processing problems. It is a cohesive collection of sub-libraries working together. Individual sub-libraries provide functionalities for:
wavelets, linear operators, greedy and convex optimization-based sparse recovery algorithms, subspace clustering,
standard signal processing transforms and linear algebra subroutines for solving sparse linear systems.
It has been built using Google JAX, enabling the same high-level Python code to be efficiently compiled on CPU, GPU and TPU architectures using XLA.
I am also working on an online collection of notes Topics in Signal Processing which provide theoretical background for all the work going on the in CR-Sparse library.
Your sponsorship will help me in the further development of these projects. I will be using the funds for renting/buying GPU hardware for the purposes of the development and testing of more advanced algorithms in the CR-Sparse library.

Featured Works


Functional models and algorithms for sparse signal processing

Language: Jupyter Notebook - Stars: 90

Fast linear algebra and signal processing utilities

Language: Python - Stars: 7

Topics in Signal Processing

Language: TeX - Stars: 15