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Master's Degree in Computer Science

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I'm Alessandro "Sgorblex" Clerici, Computer Science student and enthusiast.
Check out my website
I work on stuff like
University projects 📚
See all in the GitHub organization

💻 debian-mips: playing with MIPS assembly on Debian
🎓 automi_1-limited BSc thesis on 1-limited automata (formal language theory) [ITA]
⌛️ algocomp: notes on Algorithms and Complexity [ITA]

Personal stuff 👨🏼‍💻

📆 birthdays_I_care_about: create a Google Calendar with the birthdays of the contacts you care about
🍚 dotfiles
💬 MarkovGenBot: Telegram bot which implements a simple Markovian generator

Stuff for the SimpoLab project (see the GitHub organization)

⬇️ unimi-dl: tool for downloading Unimi material
🐸 poggeroni: Pepe themed proofs of concepts

Featured Works


You guessed it. My configs.

Language: Shell - Stars: 1

Tool per scaricare videolezioni dai portali Unimi

Language: Python - Stars: 17

Dispense di Algoritmi e Complessità [ITA]

Language: TeX - Stars: 5