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Software Engineer | Mobile Developer

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Seif Ashraf, a Flutter developer from Cairo, Egypt leads many projects open source using Flutter to provide more features using clean-code ,refactored UI design to be working on release mode.
I work in open source projects and mainly put my projects on local workspace to add more featurea so I become mergable and accepted pull requests , able to encourage on making the application well-testable and timely testable.
Being a sponsered developer helps him to be able to manage be able to pay for credited certifications like AWS Platform along helps the developer to use different APIs or able to pay for Firebase monthly, able to establish his way into business life.
Apart from myself, I love to grow encouraging community for the developers to learn and broaden their horizons and encourage the community to feel safe in the field and love it. 💯💯

Featured Works


🏠 A home automation mobile application made using flutter & dart . 🌟 Control all your home gadgets at one tap.😏 Domus means Home in Latin. Download app -…

Language: Dart - Stars: 277

Code Snippets of highly interactive Flutter Templates that can be implemented in a Native Flutter App.

Language: Dart - Stars: 23