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> 0b1010 yrs writing software

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Aside from doing programming work for companies I also enjoy experiencing other places on earth.

Featured Works


Finds the .dSYM for a given binary image name and replaces its internal UUID with the given UUID.

Language: Swift - Stars: 26

Provides binary infos that are then used with the atos command to symbolicate stack traces.

Language: Swift - Stars: 5

A bi-directional dictionary/map for the Swift programming language.

Language: Swift - Stars: 6

This is an attempt to create an open source alternative to UIScrollView by implementing it as a cocos2d layer. The idea is to make it fully featured (e.g. rubber band, smooth scrolling).

Language: Objective-C - Stars: 9

cocos2d-x action to make the target node move around a center of rotation

Language: C++ - Stars: 1