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Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/rpsychologist

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I'm Kristoffer and my day job is both as a researcher in clinical psychology and a web developer. I love to create open source tools that help other people, and a considerable amount of my spare time is spent on creating stuff on rpsychologist.com or on the R package powerlmm.
I've created and maintain several open source interactive visualizations:

Interpreting Cohen's d Effect Size
Understanding Maximum Likelihood
Interpreting Correlations
and many more

Your sponsorship helps build a long-term, sustainable future for these tools and you support my ongoing contributions to open source projects.
As a sponsor you will be thanked on my website! (Your info will be pulled from your GitHub profile.)
Thank you!

Featured Works


powerlmm R package for power calculations for two- and three-level longitudinal multilevel/linear mixed models.

Language: HTML - Stars: 101

Source code for https://rpsychologist.com

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 62
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