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Musician, coder, gamer.

Funding Links:

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I have created software and website for a number of communities, and a question I occasionally get is how you can support me. Well, now you can support me on GitHub.
Open source development comes naturally to me, and I am always busy working on new content. Your support will help motivate me to continue to work on the projects I love.
My favorite projects right now involve moving my various websites into Docker, and all of my work in the Overload community, including the game tracker and the Overload Teams League.
I also have also released several npm modules. hot-router, which is a router that makes creating class-based websites in Express pretty easy, and is what I am moving most of my websites to.
With all of my work being open source, I have no expectation of payment. I do most of this for enjoyment and the challenge. However, I do understand that the work I do has had a positive influence on many members of the communities I am a part of, and wanted to give those who wanted to monetarily support my efforts a way to do so. Whether you choose to sponsor me or not, I thank you for all of your support. ♥

Featured Works


The website and bot for Six Gaming.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 4

The Discord bot and website used for the Overload Teams League.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 2

An Overload game tracker for servers running olmod.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: