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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello 👋🏼
I'm Rafael, a Senior Software engineer @vuestorefront in love with JavaScript. Currently, I'm working with ES6, Vue js, Node js, GraphQL and the list goes on.
Worked with Laravel, JavaScript (React and Vue.js), MySQL, PostgreSQL.
I'm also a very curious person and excited with all programming technologies in general and suffer from SOS, shiny object syndrome.
Lately, I'm committed to learn and develop with:

JavaScript, both on the frontend and backend and
GraphQL for the layer between the frontend and data layer.

By Sponsoring me, you will help me spend more time maintaining my libraries and even crate new ones, which are my main focus. 🙂
Thanks 🥇

Featured Works


Creating Apollo Federated subgraphs with and GraphQL Nexus a breeze.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 4