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I am a collaborator and Maintainer at up-for-grabs with my full-time job at LinkedIn. I also have some good open source projects which are very active and I help a lot of new open source contributors day to day to get started.
I am involved in Open Source a lot and going to speak at Open Source Summit North America, 2022 for Open AI and data forum.
Previously, I was a Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat in the Performance and Scaling team.
My work and interests are mostly related to Software Development and Research. I regularly contribute to Open source and I am always eager for new ideas and opportunities to work. At LinkedIn, I have worked mostly in Backend involving web, infrastructure tooling, monitoring and metrics related software, etc.
I am mostly working on either backend development or Artificial Intelligence projects. I have regularly contributed to Open Source for several years. At times I don't get time to work with the same passion that I used to be due to my full time job and other responsibilities which needs compensation.
For fully focusing on my Open Source contributions, a small sponsorship could mean that I am doing something important and actually making an Impact.
I will use the funds to put more of my time towards Open Source projects. If someday I don't need to think about money, I would be able to work full time as an Open Source contributor. I believe we can make the world a better place with advanced technologies. Open Source leads to the best culture that I have ever experienced and also the quality of the project is awesome.
If you like my work, you can treat me with a small cup of coffee. or you can help me get more time to work on Open Source.

🛠 Tech Stack

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