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CTFs On Demand

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Hello World! Myself and several of my closest friends are looking to bring an exciting, ultra-user friendly capture-the-flag framework to fruition. This framework, dubbed redctf, will supplant existing open-source frameworks as the go-to CTF solution for companies, security engineers, and developers alike.
Our goal is to approach the CTF experience from two angles:

First and foremost, we need to have an easy environment to setup; after all, without competition administrators, there would be no CTFs. We should have all the options a CTF administrator can think of while making creating and maintaining challenges easy and straight-forward. As long-time CTF players and administrators, we feel that we are in a unique position to make this happen. Additionally, we hope to bring to the community features that have not been widely used before (more below).
Also, we strive to consider the user. The framework should be seamless, and without hesitation. For example if Player A solves a challenge for Team X, Player B's scoreboard and challenge board (if same team) should reflect that instantly.

Some current progress that I am extremely proud of:

We're working to create complete and total user isolation challenges. Essentially, the administrator provides a docker container and we dynamically spin up containers as users click on challenges. Of course we don't want users to have to wait on containers to be built and spun up so we maintain (n + x) containers for near-perfect user experience (See #2 above).

Where n is number of players currently in challenge and x is our predetermined player factor (based on total users, total active users, and other customizable factors)

Creating an admin dashboard with all tools available for before, during, and after a CTF. Some examples of tools in the admin dashboard - Clone Challenge, Rebuild Image, Create Flash Challenge, and more!

None of these concepts is entirely original, but an open-source framework that utilizes all of these features into one, free community resource does not exist and we plan to make it happen! Contributions to the cause are greatly appreciated and will help us spend our weekends and nights making redctf the best CTF framework we can.