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Senior Software Engineer

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

💻 Software Engineer | Traveler | Inquisitive 🙇
Building the future with my own hands

"Say what you mean. Mean what you say."
Clean Code. Robert C. Martin

♥️ GitHub Open Source ♥️

Featured Works


MPWA Project (My Personal Web Application) 🔗 🌐 made with Django🌵🐍

Language: HTML - Stars: 1

BeSustainable Android app where you can see products, vote, filter them & UI for Constumer

Language: Java - Stars:

Aplicacion de escritorio que gestiona Albaranes, Facturas y Clientes. Además genera PDFs de todas estas opciones. Este proyecto esta creado con SQL Server 2012 y Visual Studio 2013

Language: C# - Stars: 2

Connectivity of bike´s sensors with mqtt protocol and angular front end

Language: Python - Stars: 3

New York City Airbnb Open Data

Language: Jupyter Notebook - Stars: 4

Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.

Language: CSS - Stars: 1