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Fullstack Developer - Next.js, React.js, React Native and Node.js.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello, I'm Rafael. Fullstack Developer passionate about the open-source world and developing solutions using technology, focused on solving problems in the areas of Web and Mobile. Currently working with React, Next.js, React Native and Node.js

Featured Works


A video conference app build with Socket and WebRTC.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 5

Server to a WebRTC and Socket video conference application.

Language: - Stars: 1

⚡ Quantum Ecommerce. Made with Next.js | GraphQL | Apollo Server | Apollo Client | SSR

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 469

📝 Blog using GraphCMS to manege content and posts. Made with Next.js, Markdown and Chakra UI.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 34

🤑 Cryptocurrency & Giftcard Exchange Website - Landing Page. Made with Next.js | Chakra UI

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 30

💸 Cryptocurrency & Giftcard Exchange Mobile APP. Made with React Native | Styled Components

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 15