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Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/r0x0r

GitHub Sponsors Profile

pywebview is an Electron-like GUI framework for Python. It lets you create GUI applications with a combination of web technologies and Python, while hiding the fact that the GUI is powered by a web browser.
pywebview is open-source and licensed under BSD. Maintaining the project and developing new features takes a considerable amount of time. pywebview has come a long way since its inception in 2014. With an increased popularity, demand for new futures and improvements has sky rocketed too. All the project related work is done in spare time whenever time permits. I have been exploring other ways to support the project and ensure its future. If pywebview has helped you to solve a problem and you would like to say thanks, please become a sponsor.
If you run a business and use pywebview commercially, it would make sense to contribute to the project to ensure its future development and timely response to bugs. Sponsoring the project is also a great opportunity to expose your company to the Python community.

Featured Works


Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

Language: Python - Stars: 4882

A simple tool to clean up your Traktor library from duplicates

Language: CSS - Stars: 50

Lychee Upload, a tool for uploading photos to Lychee photo management software via SSH

Language: Python - Stars: 23

Build GUI applications with Python and React. A simple boilerplate based on pywebview.

Language: Python - Stars: 132

Freeze (package) Python programs into stand-alone executables

Language: Python - Stars: 5

Language: Python - Stars: 3
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