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To radically reduce the cost of education for everyone

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Free, high quality education is a vision shared by many of us, but it's nearly impossible because:

High quality material is scarce: professors, students, professionals, etc. just don't have time to be Youtubers
Learning is social: but it's hard to create warm, helpful communities that scale

KhanAcademy almost solved problem #1 - but it's bottlenecked by the 100 full-time content creators who have to serve the entire world's demand. Knowledge-sharing platforms almost solved problem #2, but they're text-centric and made in an era when stylus-tablets were unaffordable, so the sacrifice needed to help people is just too high.
So Explain is a crowdsourced, blackboard-centric platform where people can help each other just by drawing and talking (#2), and the video explanations are by-products of such interactions (#1). You can try it here
Thanks for reading!

Featured Works


Lightweight, multi-board spaces for teaching remote classes

Language: Vue - Stars: 31