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Self-employed full-time "maker" - of home automation devices primarily - but all sorts of fun projects alongside.

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I develop and maintain tools, drivers, and a generic C++ framework for building devices for home automation and other types of automation tasks for art and exhibition purposes, mostly based on OpenWrt Linux.
The framework wraps many hardware devices, interface protocols and common tasks into a set of easily reusable classes, following a single-threaded, event-based mainloop model.
Not only the framework, but all actual applications I write for various purposes, and complete setups and helper tools to build custom OpenWrt firmware images are included.
So all in all, what I provide as opensource is infrastructure and examples for building solid, maintainable, OpenWrt Linux based IoT devices.
In general: I bet on matter to become a pivot point towards solid locally functioning home automation and IoT - finally even the heavy weights are steering away from the cloud-only approach which never did make sense to me for private things like home automation.

Featured Works


plan44 matter bridge daemon (companion to vdcd)

Language: C - Stars: 4

vdcd - home automation device controller for Digital Strom and (via p44mbrd) matter

Language: M4 - Stars: 22

Simple Menu Bar (Status Bar) App for mac OS and simple table app for iOS listing local Bonjour websites (as Safari 11 no longer has Bonjour Bookmarks)

Language: Swift - Stars: 77

OpenWrt feed containing plan44 packages

Language: HTML - Stars: 29

Utility framework in C++ for creating single threaded mainloop event based applications (such as vdcd, of which p44utils were always a part of), abstractions for gpio, spi, i2c, pwm

Language: C++ - Stars: 10

a script that helps managing differently configured OpenWrt targets on top of an unpolluted OpenWrt original tree

Language: Shell - Stars: 1
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